IT was going to be one of Rabbit's busy days.
As soon as he woke up he felt important, as if everything depended upon him.
It was just the day for Organizing Something, or for Writing a Notice Signed Rabbit, or for Seeing What Everybody Else Thought About It.
It was a perfect morning for hurrying round to Pooh, and saying,
"Very well, then, I'll tell Piglet,"
and then going to Piglet, and saying,
"Pooh thinks--but perhaps I'd better see Owl first."
It was a Captainish sort of day, when everybody said,
"Yes, Rabbit," and "No, Rabbit,"
and waited until he had told them.
注)had better :~したほうがよい
He came out of his house and sniffed the warm spring morning as he wondered what he would do.
Kanga's house was nearest, and at Kanga's house was Roo,
who said “Yes, Rabbit “ and “No, Rabbit” almost better than anybody else in the Forest;
but there was another animal there nowadays,
the strange and Bouncy Tigger;
and he was the sort of Tigger who was always in front when you were showing him the way anywhere, and was generally out of sight when at last you came to the place and said proudly “Here we are!”
“No, not Kanga's,” said Rabbit thoughtfully to himself, as he curled his whiskers in the sun,
and to make quite sure that he wasn't going there, he turned to the left and trotted off in the other direction,
which was the way to Christopher Robin's house.
"After all," said Rabbit to himself, "Christopher Robin depends on Me. He's fond of Pooh and Piglet and Eeyore, and so am I, but they haven't any Brain.Not to notice. And he respects Owl, because you can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count. And Kanga is too busy looking after Roo, and Roo is too young and Tigger is too bouncy to be any help, so there's really nobody but Me, when you come to look at it. I'll go and see if there's anything he wants doing, and then I'll do it for him. It's just the day for doing things."
「結局、」ラビットは思いました。「クリストファー・ロビンはボクを頼りにしている。彼はプーやピグレット、イーヨーが好きだ。ボクも好きさ。でも彼らは脳がない。言うまでもないけど。あおして彼はアウルを尊敬している。なぜなら TUESDAY(火曜日)の綴りを知ってる人は、スペルは間違ってても、尊敬せざるをえないのだから。でもスペルが全てではない。Tuesday の綴りが大して重要ではない日もある。カンガはルーの世話で忙しいし、ルーは幼すぎるし、ティガーは飛び跳ね過ぎて、役に立たない。だから、そうして見ると、ボク以外に誰もいない。クリストファー・ロビンが何かしたいことがあるか見てこよう。ボクが彼にかわってそれをしよう。今日はまさに何かをする日だ。」
注)after all :結局
注)depend on :~を頼りにする
注)be fond of :~が好き
注)So am I. :ボクもそうだ
注)not to notice :言うまでもなく
注)respect :~を尊敬している
注)can't help ~ing :~せざるを得ない 注)even if :たとえ~でも
注)count :重要である
注)look after :~の世話をする
注)nobody but Me :ボク以外誰も~ない
He trotted along happily, and by-and-by he crossed the stream and came to the place where his friends-and-relations lived.
There seemed to be even more of them about than usual this morning,
and having nodded to a hedgehog or two, with whom he was too busy to shake hands, and having said, “Good morning, good morning,” importantly to some of the others,
and “Ah, there you are,” kindly, to the smaller ones, he waved a paw at them over his shoulder, and was gone leaving such an air of excitement and I-don't-know-what behind him, that several members of the Beetle family, including Henry Rush, made their way at once to the Hundred Acre Wood and began climbing trees, in the hope of getting to the top before it happened, whatever it was, so that they might see it properly.
Rabbit hurried on by the edge of the Hundred Acre Wood, feeling more important every minute, and soon he came to the tree where Christopher Robin lived.
He knocked at the door, and he called out once or twice,
and then he walked back a little way and put his paw up to keep the sun out, and called to the top of the tree,
and then he turned all round and shouted “Hallo!” and “I say!” “It's Rabbit!”-but nothing happened.
Then he stopped and listened,
and everything stopped and listened with him,
and the Forest was very lone and still and peaceful in the sunshine,
until suddenly a hundred miles above him a lark began to sing.