One day, when Christofer Robin and Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet were all talking together, Christofer Robin finished the mouthful he was eating and said carelessly:
"I saw a Heffalump today, Piglet."
注)Heffalump : ヘファランプ (象を想定した架空の動物)
"What was it doing?" asked Piglet.
"Just lumping along," said Christofer Robin. "I don't think it saw me."
"I saw one once," said Piglet. "At least, I think I did," he said. "Only perhaps it wasn't."
"So did I," said Pooh, wondering what a Heffalump was like.
"You don't often see them," said Christofer Robin carelessly.
"Not now," said Piglet.
"Not at this time of year," said Pooh.
注)lumping :ゆっくり歩いている
注)at least :少なくとも
注)So did I. : =I saw one, too. (ボクも見たよ。)
注)what ・・・like : どういうものか 「何に似ているか」
注)carelessly :さりげなく
注)at this time of year :一年のこの時期は
hen they all talked about something else, until it was time for Pooh and Piglet to go home together
At first as they stumped along the path which edged the Hundred Acre Wood, they didn't say much to each other; but when they came to the stream and had helped each other across the stepping stones, and were able to walk side by side again over the heather, they began to talk in a friendly way about this and that,
注)see : 分かる、理解する (後ろに節がくる場合は understand の意味)
and Piglet said, "If you see what I mean, Pooh,"
and Pooh said, "It's just what I think myself, Piglet,"
and Piglet said, "But, on the other hand, Pooh, we must remember,"
and Pooh said, "Quite true, Piglet, although I had forgotten it for the moment."
And then, just as they came to the Six Pine Trees, Pooh looked round to see that nobody else was listening, and said in a very solemn voice:
"Piglet, I have decided something."
"What have you decided, Pooh?"
"I have decided to catch a Heffalump."
注)see : 分かる、理解する (後ろに節がくる場合は understand の意味)
注)on the other hand :一方
注)although :~だけれども
注)forget it for the moment :今ちょっと忘れる
注)decide :決心する