"Hーhup!" said Roo accidentally.
"Roo, dear!" said Kanga reproachfully.
"Was it me?" asked Roo, a little surprised.
"What's Eeyore talking about?" Piglet whispered to Pooh.
注)reproachfully :とがめるように
注)whisper : ささやく
"I don't know," said Pooh rather dolefully.
"I thought this was your party."
"I thought it was once. But I suppose it isn't."
"I'd sooner it was yours than Eeyore's," said Piglet.
注)dolefully :悲しそうに
注)suppose :思う、想像する
注)would sooner ~ than ~ : ~よりむしろ~だったらいいのに
I’d rather stay at home than go out tonight. = I'd rather not go out tonight.
I’d rather you stayed at home tonight.
rather の代わりに sooner も使えます。
"So would I," said Pooh.
"Hーhup!" said Roo again.
"ASーIーWASーSAYING," said Eeyore loudly and sternly, "as I was saying when I was interrupted by various Loud Sounds, I feel that ー"
注)loudly :大声で
注)sternly : 厳格に
注)interrupt : 邪魔する
注)various : さまざまな
"Here it is!" cried Christofer Robin excitedly. "Pass it down to silly old Pooh. It's for Pooh."
"For Pooh?" said Eeyore.
"Of course it is. The best bear in all the world."
"I might have known," said Eeyore.
"After all, one can't complain. I have my friends. Somebody spoke to me only yesterday. And was it last week or the week before that Rabbit bumped into me and said 'Bother!' The Social Round. Always something going on."
注)Here it is! :あったぞ!
注)excitedly :興奮して
注)pass it down :(向こうの方へ)手渡す
注)after all :結局
注)complain : 不平を言う
注)bump into ~ : ばったり出会う
注)Social Round :社交的な巡回
Nobody was listening, for they were all saying
"Open it, Pooh," "What is it, Pooh?" "I know what it is," "No, you don't" and other helpful remarks of this sort.
注)helpful remarks :役に立つ言葉
And of course Pooh was opening it as quickly as ever he could, but without cutting the string,
because you never know when a bit of string might be Useful.
At last it was undone.
When Pooh saw what it was, he nearly fell down,
he was so pleased.
It was a Special Pencil Case.
There were pencils in it marked "B" for Bear,
中には Bear(クマ)の「B」のマークの有る鉛筆が入っていました。
and pencils marked "HB" for Helping Bear, and pencils marked "BB" for Brave Bear.
Helping Bear(人助けのクマ)の「HB」や Brave Bear(勇敢なクマ)の「BB」も入っていました。
There was a knife for sharpening the pencils, and india-rubber for rubbing out anything which you had spelt wrong, and a ruler for ruling lines for the words to walk on, and inches marked on the ruler in case you wanted to know how many inches anything was, and Blue Pencils and Red Pencils and Green Pencils for saying special things in blue and red and green. And all these lovely things were in little pockets of their own in a Special Case which shut with a click when you clicked it. And they were all for Pooh.
鉛筆を削るナイフや、間違って書いたものを消す消しゴム、線を引いてその上に言葉を書くための定規、その上にはものを測りたいときのためについている目盛り、それに、青や赤や緑で何か特別なことを書きたい時に使う「青い鉛筆」「赤い鉛筆」「緑の鉛筆」、こんな素敵なものが特別なケースのそれぞれの小さなポケットに収まっており、クリックが付いて、カチンと閉めたければカチンと閉まるようになっていました。 それらがみんなプーのものでした。