"Didn't you see them? said Owl, a little surprised. "Come and look at them now."
So they went outside.
And Pooh looked at the knocker and the notice below it,
and he looked at the bell-rope and the notice below it,
and the more he looked at the bell-rope, the more he felt that he had seen something like it, somewhere else, sometime before.
"Handsome bell-rope, isn't it?" said Owl.
注)a little surprised :少し驚いて(分詞構文)
注)Handsome bell-rope, isn't it? :かっこいいベル紐だろ?(付加疑問文)
Pooh nodded.
"It reminds me of something," he said, "but I can't think what. Where did you get it?"
注)remind A of B : A に B のことを思い出させる
"I just came across it in the Forest. It was hanging over a bush, and I thought at first somebody lived there, so I rang it, and nothing happened, and then I rang it again very loudly, and it came off in my hand, and as nobody seemed to want it, I took it home, and ー"
注)come across : 偶然出くわす
注)hang : かける、つるす
注)come off : はずれる
"Owl," said Pooh solemnly, "you made a mistake. Somebody did want it."
"Eeyore. My dear friend Eeyore. He was ー he was fond of it."
「イーヨーさ。友達のイーヨー。彼は ー 彼はそれが気に入っていたんだ。」
"Fond of it?"
"Attached to it," said Winnie-the-Pooh sadly.
注)solemnly :おごそかに
注)make a mistake :過ちを犯す 注)be fond of ~ : ~がとても気に入っている (長い間親しみを感じている)
注)attach to ~ : ~にくっつく、~の一部である、~に愛着がある
So with these words he unhooked it, and carried it back to Eeyore;
and when Christofer Robin had nailed it on in its right place again, Eeyore frisked about the forest, waving his tail so happily that Winnie-the-Pooh came over all funny, and had to hurry home for a little snack of something to sustain him.
And, wiping his mouth half an hour afterwards, he sang to himself proudly:
Who found the tail?
"I," said Pooh,
"At a quarter to two
(Only it was quarter to eleven really),
I found the Tail!"