ONE day when Pooh Bear had nothing else to do, he thought he would do something, so he went round to Piglet's house to see what Piglet was doing.
It was still snowing as he stumped over the white forest track, and he expected to find Piglet warming his toes in front of his fire, but to his surprise he saw that the door was open, and the more he looked inside the more Piglet wasn't there.
例)to my joy(喜んだことに)、to my disappointment(がっかりしたことに)など。
"He's out," said Pooh sadly. "That's what it is. He's not in. I shall have to go a fast Thinking Walk by myself. Bother!"
注)That's what it is : そういうことか
注)a fast Thinking Walk by myself : fast は「じっくり」と「速く」の意味があり、think と walk にかかっています
But first he thought that he would knock very loudly just to make quite sure...
and while he waited for Piglet not to answer, he jumped up and down to keep warm, and a hum came suddenly into his head, which seemed to him a Good Hum, such as is Hummed Hopefully to Others.
The more it snows
(Tiddely pom),
(ティドゥリ ポム)
The more it goes
(Tiddely pom),
(ティドゥリ ポム)
The more it goes
(Tiddely pom),
(ティドゥリ ポム)
On snowing.
And nobody knows
(Tiddely pom),
(ティドゥリ ポム)
How cold my toes
(Tiddely pom),
(ティドゥリ ポム)
How cold my toes
(Tiddely pom),
(ティドゥリ ポム)
Are growing
注)snows / goes / knows / toes が韻を踏んでいます。なお、snowing と growing も韻を踏んでいます。
"So what I'll do," said Pooh, "is I'll do this. I'll just go home first and see what the time is, and perhaps I'll put a muffler round my neck, and then I'll go and see Eeyore and sing it to him."
He hurried back to his own house; and his mind was so busy on the way with the hum that he was getting ready for Eeyore that, when he suddenly saw Piglet sitting in his best arm-chair, he could only stand there rubbing his head and wondering whose house he was in.
"Hallo, Piglet," he said. "I thought you were out."
"No," said Piglet, it's you who were out, Pooh."
注)I thought you were out. :キミは出かけていると思ってた。(時制の一致)
注)it's you who were out. :出かけていたのはキミのほうだよ。(強調構文
"So it was," said Pooh, "I knew one of us was."
He looked up at his clock, which had stopped at five minutes to eleven some weeks ago.
"Nearly eleven o'clock," said Pooh happily.
"You're just in time for a little smackerel of something," and he put his head into the cupboard.
注)so it was :そうだった
注)nearly eleven o'clock :もう11時だ
注)in time for :~に間に合う
注)a little smackerel of something : プーの造語で「ちょっとした美味しいもの」
注)cupboard :戸棚
"And then we'll go out, Piglet, and sing my song to Eeyore."
"Which song, Pooh?"
"The one we're going to sing to Eeyore," explained Pooh.
The clock was still saying five minutes to eleven when Pooh and Piglet set out on their way half an hour later.
注)explain :説明する
The wind had dropped, and the snow, tired of rushing round in circles trying to catch itself up, now fluttered gently down until it found a place on which to rest, and sometimes the place was Pooh's nose and sometimes it wasn't, and in a little while Piglet was wearing a white muffler round his neck and feeling more snowy behind the ears than he had ever felt before.