Ch.1-2 雪が降れば降るほど ティドゥリ・ポム


“Pooh,” he said at last, and a little timidly,

because he didn't want Pooh to think he was Giving In,

"I was just wondering. How would it be if we went home now and practicedyour song, and then sang it to Eeyore tomorrowーorーor the next day, when we happen to see him."

"That's a very good idea, Piglet," said Pooh. "We'll practice it now as we go along. But it's no good going home to practice it, because it's a special Outdoor Song which Has To Be Sung In The Snow."

"Are you sure?" asked Piglet anxiously.

注)practice :練習する
注)happen to see :たまたま会う
注)anxiously :心配そうに

"Well, you'll see, Piglet, when you listen. Because this is how it begins. The more it snows, tiddely pom ー"

"Tiddely what?" said Piglet.

"Pom," said Pooh. "I put that in to make it more hummyThe more it goes, tiddely pom, the more ー"
「ポムだよ。歌らしくするために入れたんだ。それだけますます、ティドリーポム それだけー

"Didn't you say snows?"

"Yes, but that was before."

"Before the tiddely pom?"

"It was a different tiddely pom," said Pooh, feeling rather muddled now. "I'll sing it to you properly and then you'll see."

So he sang it again.

注)to make it more hummy :歌らしくするために
注)feeling rather muddled :かなり混乱して
注)properly :きちんと

The more it SNOWS-tiddely pom,
雪が降れば 降るほどーティドゥリ ポム、

The more it GOES-tiddely pom
降れば 降るほどーティドゥリ ポム

The more it GOES-tiddely pom
降れば 降るほどーティドゥリ ポム

On Snowing.
雪が 降り続く

And nobody KNOWS-tiddely pom,
誰も 知らないーティドゥリ ポム

How cold my TOES-tiddely pom
ボクの 足がーティドゥリ ポム

How cold my TOES-tiddely pom
ボクの 足がーティドゥリ ポム

Are Growing
冷たく なっていることを

snows / goes / knows / toes が韻をふんでいます。また、snowing と growing も韻を踏んでいます。

He sang it like that,

which is much the best way of singing it,

and when he had finished, he waited for Piglet to say that, of all the Outdoor Hums for Snowy Weather he had ever heard, this was the best.

And, after thinking the matter out carefully, Piglet said: “Pooh,” he said solemnly, “it isn't the toes so much as the ears.”

By this time they were getting near Eeyore's Gloomy Place, which was where he lived, and as it was still very snowy behind Piglet's ears, and he was getting tired of it, they turned into a little pine wood, and sat down on the gate which led into it.

They were out of the snow now, but it was very cold, and to keep themselves warm they sang Pooh's song right through six times,

Piglet doing the tiddely-poms and Pooh doing the rest of it, and both of them thumping on the top of the gate with pieces of stick at the proper places.

And in a little while they felt much warmer, and were able to talk again.


"I've been thinking," said Pooh, "and what I've been thinking is this. I've been thinking about Eeyore."

"What about Eeyore?"

"Well. poor Eeyore has nowhere to live."

"Nor he has," said Piglet.

"You have a house, Piglet, and I have a house, and they are very good houses. And Christofer Robin has a house, and Owl and Kanga and Rabbit have houses, and even Rabbit's friends and relations have houses or somethings, but Eeyore has nothing. So what I've been thinking is: Let's build him a house."

注)has nowhere to live :住む家がない
注)Nor he has :確かに持ってない
注)build him a house :彼に家を建ててやる





