As soon as he had finished his lunch Christopher Robin whispered to Rabbit,
and Rabbit said “Yes, yes, of course,” and they walked a little way up the stream together.
"I didn't want the others to hear," said Christofer Robin.
"Quite so," said Rabbit, looking important.
注)Quite so : まったくその通り
注)important : ここではもったいぶって、偉そうにの意味
"It's ー I wondered ー It's only ー Rabbit, I suppose you don't know, What does the North Pole look like."
"Well," said Rabbit, stroking his whiskers. "Now you're asking me."
"I did know once, only I've sort of forgotten," said Christofer Robin carelessly.
注)What ... look like : どのようなものか
注)stroking his whiskers :ひげをなでながら(クリストファー・ロビンが知らないことをラビットに尋ねてくれたことで、得意になっています)
注)did know :knew を強調すると、did know となります
注)carelessly :さり気なく
"It's a funny thing," said Rabbit, "but I've sort of forgotten too, although I did know once."
"I suppose it's just a pole stuck in the ground?"
"Sure to be a pole," said Rabbit, "because of calling a pole, and if it's a pole, well, I should think it would be sticking in the ground, shouldn't you, because there'd be nowhere else to stick it."
注)funny :面白い
注)although :~だけれども
注)a pole stuck in the ground :地面に突き刺さった棒
注)stick : 突き刺さる、突き刺す stick - stuck - stuck
"Yes, that's what I thought."
"The only thing," said Rabbit, "is, where is it sticking?"
"That's what we're looking for," said Christofer Robin.
They went back to the others.
Piglet was lying on his back, sleeping peacefully.
Roo was washing his face and paws in the stream,
while Kanga explained to everybody proudly that this was the first time he had ever washed his face himself,
and Owl was telling Kanga an Interesting Anecdote full of long words like Encyclopedia and Rhododendron to which Kanga wasn't listening.
"I don't hold with all this washing," grumbled Eeyore. "This modern Behind-the-ears nonsense. What do you think, Pooh?"
"Well," said Pooh, "I think ー "
But we shall never know what Pooh thought, for there came a sudden squeak from Roo, a splash, and a loud cry of alarm from Kanga.
"So much for washing," said Eeyore.
注)hold with : (主に否定文で)賛成できない
注)grumble : ぶつぶつ言う
注)Behind-the-ears nonsense : 子供は顔を洗って耳の後ろを拭き忘れること
注)So much for ~ : ~はおしまい
"Roo's fallen in!" cried Rabbit, and he and Christofer Robin came rushing down to the rescue.
"Look at me swimming!" squeaked Roo from the middle of his pool, and was hurried down a waterfall into the next pool.
"Are you all right, Roo dear?" called Kanga anxiously.
"Yes!" said Roo. "Look at me swー" and down he went over the next waterfall into another pool.
注)rescue :救出
注)look at me swimming : ボクが泳いでいるのを見る
注)squeak :かん高い声で言う
注)hurry down :急いで降りる
注)waterfall : 滝、小川のすこし落下している部分
注)anxiously :心配して
Everybody was doing something to help. Piglet, wide awake suddenly, was jumping up and down and making “Oo, I say” noises;
Owl was explaining that in a case of Sudden and Temporary Immersion the Important Thing was to keep the Head Above Water;
Kanga was jumping along the bank, saying “Are you sure you're all right, Roo dear?” to which Roo, from whatever pool he was in at the moment, was answering “Look at me swimming!”
Eeyore had turned round and hung his tail over the first pool into which Roo fell, and with his back to the accident was grumbling quietly to himself, and saying, “All this washing; but catch on to my tail, little Roo, and you'll be all right”;
and,Christopher Robin and Rabbit came hurrying past Eeyore, and were calling out to the others in front of them.
“All right, Roo, I'm coming,” called Christopher Robin.
“Get something across the stream lower down, some of you fellows,” called Rabbit.