Ch.8-6 「これが、ぼくらが探していたものなの?」


But Pooh was getting something.

Two pools below Roo he was standing with a long pole in his paws,

and Kanga came up and took one end of it, and between them they held it across the lower part of the pool; and Roo, still bubbling proudly, “Look at me swimming,” drifted up against it, and climbed out.


"Did you see me swimming?" squeaked Roo excitedly, while Kanga scolded him and rubbed him down.

注)Did you see me swimming? :ボクが泳いでいるところを見た?

注)squeak :かん高い声で言う
注)excitedly :興奮して
注)while :一方
注)scold : 叱る
注)rub him down : 彼をこすって乾かす

"Pooh, did you see me swimming? That's called swimming, what I was doing. Rabbit, did you see what I was doing? Swimming. Hallo, Piglet! I say, Piglet! What do you think I was doing! Swimming! Christofer Robin, did you see me ー"

But Christofer Robin wasn't listening.

He was looking at Pooh.

"Pooh," he said, "where did you find that pole?"

Pooh looked at the pole in his hands.

"I just found it," he said. "I thought it ought to be useful. I just picked up."

"Pooh," said Christofer Robin solemly, "the Expedition is over. You have found the North Pole!"

注)I say :あのね、ほら
注)What do you think I was doing! :ボクが何をしていたと思う?(間接疑問文)

注)useful :役に立つ
注)pick up :拾いあげる
注)solemly : 重々しく
注)is over :終わる

"Oh!" said Pooh.

Eeyore was sitting with his tail in the water when they all got back to him.

"Tell Roo to be quick, somebody," he said. "My tail's getting cold. I don't want to mention it, but I just mention it. I don't want to complain but there it is. My tail's cold."

注)mention : 言う、述べる
注)complain :不平を言う
注)there it is :そんな次第だ

"Here I am!" squeaked Roo.

"Oh, there you are."

"Did you see me swimming?"

Eeyore took his tail out of the water, and swished it from side to side.

"As I expected," he said. "Lost all feelingNumbed it. That's what it's done. Numbed it. Well, as long as nobody minds, I suppose it's all right."

注)squeak :かん高い声で言う
注)as I expected :思った通り
注)Lost all feeling :すべての感覚をなくした
注)numb : 感覚を失くさせる、かじかむ
注)as long as nobody minds :誰も気にしないかぎり

"Poor old Eeyore. I'll dry it for you," said Christofer Robin, and he took out his handkerchief and rubbed it up.

"Thank you, Christofer Robin. You're the only one who seems to understand about tails. They don't think ー that's what's the matter with some of these others. They've no imagination. A tail isn't a tail to them, it's just a Little Bit Extra at the back."

注)rub it up :それ(イーヨーの尻尾)を乾かす
注)that's what's the matter with some of these others :他の連中が問題なのはそこだ
注)imagination :想像力
注)a Little Bit Extra : ちょっとした余分なもの

"Never mind, Eeyore," said Christofer Robin, rubbing his hardest. "Is that better?"

"It's feeling more like a tail perhaps. It Belongs again, if you know what I mean."

"Hullo, Eeyore," said Pooh, coming up to them with his pole.

"Hullo, Pooh. Thank you for asking, but I shall be able to use it again in a day or two."

注)his hardest : (かじかんで)固くなっているところ
注)feeling more like a tail :前より尻尾のように思えて
注)belong :あるべきところにある
注)be able to :~できる(=can)
注)in a day or two :1日か2日すれば

"Use what?" said Pooh.

"What we are talking about."

"I wasn't talking about anything," said Pooh, looking puzzled.

"My mistake again. I thought you were saying how sorry you were about my tail, being all numb, and could you do anything to help?"

"No," said Pooh. "That wasn't me, " he said. He thought for a little and then suggested helpfully, "Perhaps it was somebody else."

"Well, thank him for me when you see him."

注)looking puzzled :困った様子で
注)being all numb :すっかりかじかんでる
注)suggested :提案する

Pooh looked anxiously at Christofer Robin.

"Pooh's found the North Pole," said Christofer Robin. "Isn't that lovely?"


"Is that it?" said Eeyore.

"Yes," said Christofer Robin.

"Is that what we were looking for?"

"Yes," said Pooh.

"Oh!" said Eeyore. "Well, anyhow ー it didn't rain," he said.

注)anyhow :とにかく

They stuck the pole in the ground, and Christopher Robin tied a message on to it:



Then they all went home again. And I think, but I am not quite sure, that Roo had a hot bath and went straight to bed. But Pooh went back to his own house, and feeling very proud of what he had done, had a little something to revive himself.







