"Piglet," said Pooh solemnly, when he had heard all this, "what shall we do?"
And he began to eat Tigger's sandwiches.
"Are they stuck?" asked Piglet anxiously.
Pooh nodded.
"Couldn't you climb up to them?"
"I might, Piglet, and I might bring Roo down on my back, but I couldn't bring Tigger down. So we must think of something else. "
注)solemnly :おごそかに
注)what shall we do? :どうしようか?
注)be stuck :詰まる、動けなくなる
注)anxiously :心配して
注)climb up :よじ登る
注)on my back :背中に乗せて
注)think of :~を思い付く
注)something else :何か他のこと
And in a thoughtful way he began to eat Roo's sandwiches, too.
Whether he would have thought of anything before he had finished the last sandwich, I don't know,
but he had just got to the last but one when there was a crackling in the bracken, and Christopher Robin and Eeyore came strolling along together.
"I shouldn't be surprised if it hailed a good deal tomorrow," Eeyore was saying. "Blizzards and what-not. Being fine today doesn't Mean Anything. It has no sig--what's that word? Well, it has none of that. It's just a small piece of weather."
注)hail a good deal :たくさんあられが降る
注)Blizzards and what-not :大吹雪であれ何であれ
注)It has none of that :どうでもいいこと
注)a piece of weather :天気のひとつ
"There's Pooh!" said Christopher Robin, who didn't much mind what it did tomorrow, as long as he was out in it. "Hallo, Pooh!"
"It's Christopher Robin!" said Piglet. "He'll know what to do."
They hurried up to him.
"Oh, Christopher Robin," began Pooh.
"And Eeyore," said Eeyore.
"Tigger and Roo are right up the Six Pine Trees, and they can't get down, and----"
"And I was just saying," put in Piglet, "that if only Christopher Robin----"
"And Eeyore----"
"If only you were here, then we could think of something to do."
Christopher Robin looked up at Tigger and Roo, and tried to think of something.
注)mind :気にかける
注)as long as :~である限り
注)right up :まさしく上に
注)can't get down :降りれない
注)put in :口をはさむ
注)if only :~でさえあれば
"I thought," said Piglet earnestly, "that if Eeyore stood at the bottom of the tree, and if Pooh stood on Eeyore's back, and if I stood on Pooh's shoulders----"
"And if Eeyore's back snapped suddenly, then we could all laugh. Ha ha! Amusing in a quiet way," said Eeyore, "but not really helpful."
"Well," said Piglet meekly, "I thought----"
"Would it break your back, Eeyore?" asked Pooh, very much surprised.
"That's what would be so interesting, Pooh. Not being quite sure till afterwards."
Pooh said "Oh!" and they all began to think again.
注)earnestly :熱心に
注)at the bottom of the tree :木の一番下
注)back :背中
注)shoulders :肩
注)snap :バタンと折れる
注)amusing :面白い
注)meekly :素直に
注)very much surprised :とても驚いて
注)till afterwards :後になるまで
"I've got an idea!" cried Christopher Robin suddenly.
"Listen to this, Piglet," said Eeyore, "and then you'll know what we're trying to do."
"I'll take off my tunic and we'll each hold a corner, and then Roo and Tigger can jump into it, and it will be all soft and bouncy for them, and they won't hurt themselves."
"Getting Tigger down," said Eeyore, "and not hurting anybody. Keep those two ideas in your head, Piglet, and you'll be all right."
注)take off my tunic : ボクのチュニック(1枚の布のような服)を脱ぐ
注)soft and bouncy :柔らかくて跳ねる
注)won't hurt themselves :彼らに怪我をさせない
注)and :そうすれば(命令文のあとの and )