They had come to a stream which twisted and tumbled between high rocky banks,
and Christopher Robin saw at once how dangerous it was.
"It's just the place," he explained, "for an Ambush."
"What sort of bush?" whispered Pooh to Piglet. "A gorse-bush?"
"My dear Pooh," said Owl in his superior way, "don't you know what an Ambush is?"
「おやおや、プー、Ambush(待ち伏せ が何か知らないの?」アウルは見下したように言いました。
注)What sort of bush? :どんな茂み?(プーは ambush を bush(茂み)か何かだと思っています)
注)A gorse-bush :ハリエニシダの茂み
注)in his superior way : 見下したように
"Owl," said Piglet, looking round at him severely, "Pooh's whisper was a perfectly private whisper, and there was no need ー"
"An Ambush," said Owl, "is a sort of Surprise."
「Ambush(待ち伏せ) とは一種の不意打ちのことさ。」アウルは言いました。
"So is a gorse-bush sometimes," said Pooh.
"An Ambush, as I was about to explain to Pooh," said Piglet, "is a sort of Surprise."
「Ambush(待ち伏せ) とは一種の不意打ちのことだと、プーに説明しようとしていたところだったのに。」ピグレットは言いました。
注)severely :じっくりと
注)whisper :ささやき
注)perfectly :完全に
注)private :個人的な
注)a sort of Surprise :不意打ち
"If people jump out at you suddenly, that's an Ambush," said Owl.
「もし突然誰かがキミに飛びかかってきたら、それが Ambush(待ち伏せ)さ。」アウルは言いました。
"It's an Ambush, Pooh, when people jump at you suddenly," explained Piglet.
「もし突然誰かがキミに飛びかかってきたら、それが Ambush(待ち伏せ) だよ、プー。」ピグレットは言いました。
プーは、Ambush(待ち伏せ) がどういう意味か分かって、ある日彼が木から落ちてハリエニシダが彼に飛びかかって来たよ、トゲを抜くのに6日かかったんだから、と言いました。
"We are not talking about gorse-bushes," said Owl a little crossly.
"I am," said Pooh.
注)crossly :怒って
They were climbing very cautiously up the stream now, going from rock to rock,
and after they had gone a little way they came to a place where the banks widened out at each side,
so that on each side of the water there was a level strip of grass on which they could sit down and rest.
As soon as he saw this, Christopher Robin called “Halt!” and they all sat down and rested.
"I think," said Christofer Robin, "that we ought to eat all our Provisions now, so that we shan't have so much to carry."
"Eat all our what?" said Pooh.
"All that we've brought," said Piglet, getting to work.
"That's a good idea," said Pooh, and he got to work too.
"Have you all got something?" asked Christofer Robin with his mouth full.
注)ought to eat :食べたほうがいい
注)Provision :食料
注)so that ~ not :~しないでいいように
注)with his mouth full : 口を一杯にして、物を食べながら
"All except me," said Eeyore. "As usual."
He looked round at them in his melancholy way.
"I suppose none of you are sitting on a thistle by any chance?"
注)except :~以外は
注)as usual :いつものように
注)suppose :思う
注)none of you :キミたちの誰も~ない
注)thistle :アザミ
注)by any chance :たまたま
"I believe I am," said Pooh. "Ow!"
He got up, and looked behind him.
"Yes, I was. I thought so."
"Thank you, Pooh. If you've quite finished with it." He moved across to Pooh's place, and began to eat.
"It don't do them any Good, you know, sitting on them," he went on, as he looked up munching. "Takes all the Life out of them. Remember that another time, all of you. A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference."
注)munching : むしゃむしゃと食べる