Ch.8-2 プーが最初に会ったのはラビットでした


“It's just a thing you discover,”

said Christopher Robin carelessly, not being quite sure himself.

"Oh! I see," said Pooh. "Are bears any good at discovering it?"

"Of course they are. And Rabbit and Kanga and all of you. It's an Expedition. That's what an Expedition means. A long line of everybody. You'd better tell the others to get ready, while I see if my gun's all right. And we must all bring Provisions."

注)be some good at ~ : ~が少し得意 (疑問文で some が any になっています)>br /> 注)expedition : 探検
注)You'd better : ぜひ~してよ
注)while : その間に
注)provision : 食料

"Bring what?"

"Things to eat."

"Oh!" said Pooh happily. "I thought you said Provisions. I'll go and tell them." And he stumped off.

The first person he met was Rabbit.

"Hallo, Rabbit," he said, "is that you?"

"Let's pretend it isn't," said Rabbit, "and see what happens."

"I've got a message for you."

"I'll give it to him."

"We're all going on an Expotition with Christofer Robin!"

"What is it when we're on it?"

注)stump off : どしんどしんと歩いて立ち去る
注)Expotition : もちろん exposition(探検)のことです
注)go on an expedition(探検に出かける)の on an expedition を何かに乗ると勘違いしています

"A sort of a boat, I think," said Pooh.

"Oh! that sort."

"Yes. And we're going to discover a Pole or something. Or was it a Mole? Anyhow we're going to discover it."

"We are, are we?" said Rabbit.

"Yes. And we've got to bring Poー things to eat with us. In case we want to eat them. Now I'm going down to Piglet's. Tell Kanga, will you?"

注)a Pole or something :ポール(棒)とか何とか
注)Mole :Pole じゃなかったら、 Mole かな?ということです
注)we've got to bring = have got = have なので we have to 『~しなければならない』の意味になります
注)in case : ~すると行けないので

He left Rabbit and hurried down to Piglet's house.

The Piglet was sitting on the ground at the door of his house blowing happily at a dandelion, and wondering whether it would be this year, next year, some time or never.

He had just discovered that it would be never, and was trying to remember what “it” was, and hoping it wasn't anything nice, when Pooh came up.


"Oh! Piglet," said Pooh excitedly, "we're going on an Expotition, all of us, with things to eat. To discover something."

"To discover what?" said Piglet anxiously.

"Oh! just something."

"Nothing fierce?"

"Christofer Robin didn't say anything about fierce. He just said it had an 'x'."
「クリストファー・ロビンは獰猛については何も言ってなかった。ただ x がついてるって言ってたよ。」

"It isn't their necks I mind," said Piglet earnestly. "It's their teeth. But if Christofer Robin is coming I don't mind anything."

注)excitedly :興奮して
注)discover :発見する
注)anxiously :心配して
注)fierce :獰猛な
注)earnestly :熱心に

It isn't their necks I mind とは?
「ボクが心配なのは首じゃないよ。」ピグレットには 'an x' (アネックス)が necks(ネックス=首)と聞こえたようです






