EEYORE, the old grey Donkey, stood by the side of the stream, and looked at himself in the water.
“Pathetic,” he said. s' That's what it is. Pathetic.”
He turned and walked slowly down the stream for twenty yards, splashed across it, and walked slowly back on the other side.
Then he looked at himself in the water again.
“As I thought,” he said. “No better from this side. But nobody minds. Nobody cares. Pathetic, that's what it is.”
There was a crackling noise in the bracken behind him, and out came Pooh.
"Good morning, Eeyore," said Pooh.
"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily. "If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.
"Why, what's the matter?"
"Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing. We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it."
注)gloomily :ゆううつそうに
注)which I doubt :which(=good morning のこと)いい朝かどうかは疑わしい
注)what's the matter? :どうしたの?
注)That's all there is to it : ただそれだけのこと、とても簡単なこと
"Can't all what?" said Pooh, rubbing his nose.
"Gaiety. Song-and-dance. Here we go round the mulberry bush."
注)rubbing his nose :鼻をこすりながら(分詞構文)
注)Gaiety : 愉快、お祭り騒ぎ
注)Here we go round the mulberry bush : (子供の童謡)かごめかごめ
"Oh!" said Pooh. He thought for a long time, and then asked, "What mulberry bush is that?"
"Bon-hommy," went on Eeyore gloomily. "French word meaning bonhommy," he explained. "I'm not complaining, but There It Is."
注)bonhommy : bon homie(気さく、人のよさ)のこと 仏=good man
注)explain :説明する
注)complain :不平を言う
注)there it is : そんな次第だ
Pooh sat down on a large stone, and tried to think this out.
It sounded to him like a riddle,
and he was never much good at riddles, being a Bear of Very Little Brain.
So he sang Cottleston Pie instead:
Cottleslon, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.
コトルストン、コトルストン、コトルストン・パイ (Pie)
A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.
ハエは鳥にはなれないけど、鳥は飛べる (fly)
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
なぞなぞを聞いて、ぼくが答えるから (reply)
“Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.”
コトルストン、コトルストン、コトルストン・パイ (Pie)
That was the first verse.
When he had finished it, Eeyore didn't actually say that he didn't like it, so Pooh very kindly sang the second verse to him:
Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,
コトルストン、コトルストン、コトルストン・パイ (Pie)
A fish can't whistle and neither can I.
魚は口笛吹けないけど、ボクも吹けない (I)
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
なぞなぞを聞いて、ぼくが答えるから (reply)
“Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.”
コトルストン、コトルストン、コトルストン・パイ (Pie)
Eeyore still said nothing at all, so Pooh hummed the third verse quietly to himself:<
Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,
コトルストン、コトルストン、コトルストン・パイ (Pie)
Why does a chicken, I don't know why.
どうしてニワトリは、ボクにはわからない (why)
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
なぞなぞを聞いて、ぼくが答えるから (reply)
“Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.”
コトルストン、コトルストン、コトルストン・パイ (Pie)