As soon as he got home, he went to the larder; and he stood on a chair, and took down a very large jar of honey from the top shelf.
It had HUNNY written on it, but, just to make sure, he took off the paper cover and looked at it, and it looked just like honey.
ツボには HUNNY と書いてありますが、確かめるために、紙のふたをはずして、中を見ると、ハチミツのように見えましたが、
"But you never can tell," said Pooh.
注)you never can tell : 何とも言えない(プーさんの口ぐせ)
"I remember my uncle saying once that he had seen cheese just this color."
注)remember ~ing : ~したことを覚えている
注)just this color : ちょうどこんな色の
So he put his tongue in, and took a large lick.
"Yes," he said, "it is. No doubt about that. And honey, I should say, right down to the bottom of the jar. Unless, of course," he said, "somebody put cheese in at the bottom just for a joke. Perhaps I had better go a little further...just in case Heffalumps don't like cheese...same as me... Ah!" And he gave a deep sigh. "I was right. It is honey, right the way down."
「確かにハチミツだ。間違いない。」と、彼は言いました。「おそらくハチミツだ。つぼの上から底まで。」彼は言いました。「もちろん、誰かが冗談でつぼの底にチーズを入れていなければ。もう少し食べたほうがいいな、ヘファランプがチーズを嫌いだといけないから・・・ボクみたいに・・・ 」そして彼は深いためいきをついた。「ああ、やっぱりそうだった。一番下までハチミツだ。」
注)No doubt :間違いない
注)I should say :おそらくそうだろう
注)unless :もし~でなければ
注)had better :~したほうがよい
注)in case :もし~の場合
注)a deep sigh :深いため息
注)right the way down :一番下まで
Having made certain of this, he took the jar back to Piglet,
and Piglet looked up from the bottom of his Very Deep Pit, and said, “Got it?”
and Pooh said, “Yes, but it isn't quite a full jar,” and he threw it down to Piglet,
and Piglet said, “No, it isn't! Is that all you've got left?”
and Pooh said, “Yes.” Because it was.
So Piglet put the jar at the bottom of the Pit, and climbed out, and they went off home together.
"Well, good night, Pooh," said Piglet, when they got to Pooh's house.
"And we meet at six o'clock tomorrow morning by the Pine Trees, and see how many Heffalumps we've got in our Trap."
"Six o'clock, Piglet. And Have you got any string?"
注)Have you got ~? : Do you have ~? のこと
"No. Why do you want string?"
"To lead them home with."
注)string : ただのヒモであれば数えられない名詞
注)lead ~ with : ヒモを使って連れていく with + 道具(~で)
"Oh!... I think Heffalumps come if you whistle."
"Some do and some don't. You never can tell with Heffalumps. Well, good night!"
"Good night!"
注)whistle :口笛をふく
注)Some do and some don't :そうするものもいれば、そうしないものもいる
注)You never can tell with ~ : ~のことだから何とも言えない(プーの口ぐせ)