They sighed and got up;
and when they had taken a few gorse prickles out of themselves they sat down again;
and all the time Pooh was saying to himself, “If only I could think of something!”
For he felt sure that a Very Clever Brain could catch a Heffalump if only he knew the right way to go about it.
"Suppose," he said to Piglet, "you wanted to catch me, how would you do it?"
"Well," said Piglet, "I should do it like this. I should make a Trap, and I should put a jar of Honey in the Trap, and you would smell it, and you would go in after it, and ー"
注)Suppose ~ : もし~だとしたら
Suppose you were in my place, what would you do ?
その他、provided (that) や providing (that) も使えます。in case や given that といった表現もあります。
注)I should :ボクならこうするよ
注)make a trap :罠を作る
注)smell :においをかぐ
注)after it :それ(におい)を追って
"And I would go in after it," said Pooh excitedly, "only very carefully so as not to hurt myself, and I would get to the Jar of Honey, and I should lick round the edges first of all, pretending that there wasn't any more, you know, and then I should walk away and think about it a little, and then, I should come back and start licking in the middle of the jar, and then ー"
注)excitedly :ワクワクして
注)so as not to hurt myself :怪我しないように
注)lick round the edges :(つぼの)ふちをなめる
注)first of all :まず最初に
注)pretending :~のふりをする
注)in the middle of :~の真ん中を
"Yes, well never mind about that. There you would be, and there I should catch you. Now the first thing to think of is, What do Heffalumps like? I should think acorns, shouldn't you? We'll get a lot of ー I say, wake up, Pooh!"
注)never mind : もういいよ
注)acorn : どんぐり(ピグレットの好物)
注)I say :ねえ
注)wake up :目をさます、起きる
Pooh, who had gone into a happy dream, woke up with a start,
and said that Honey was a much more trappy thing than Haycorns.
Piglet didn't think so;
and they were just going to argue about it, when Piglet remembered that,
if they put acorns in the Trap, he would have to find the acorns, but if they put honey, then Pooh would have to give up some of his own honey,
so he said, "All right, honey then," just as Pooh remembered it too, and was going to say, "All right, haycorns."
"Honey," said Piglet to himself in a thoughtful way, as if it were now settled. "I'll dig the pit, while you go and get the honey.
"Very well," said Pooh, and stumped off.
注)haycorns : acorn(どんぐり)のこと
注)be settled : 決まる、決着がつく
注)dig the pit :穴を掘る
注)while ~ : ~している間に
注)stump : (重い足取りで)どしんどしんと歩く