With these few words he went on tracking,
and Piglet, after watching him for a minute or two, ran after him.
Winnie-the-Pooh had come to a sudden stop, and was bending over the tracks in a puzzled sort of way.
"What's the matter?" asked Piglet.
"It's a very funny thing," said Bear, "but there seem to be two animals now. Thisーwhatever-it-isーand the two of them are now proceeding in company. Would you mind coming with me, Piglet, in case they turn out to be Hostile Animals?"
注)What's the matter? : どうしたの? What's wrong? とも言う
注)funny :おかしな
注)seem to : ~のようだ
注)whatever-it-is :それが何であれ
注)proceeding in company : 一緒になって進んでいる
注)Would you mind ~ing? : ~してくれないか?
注)in case : ~するといけないので
注)turn out :~だとわかる
注)hostile : 敵意のある
Piglet scratched his ear in a nice sort of way, and said that he had nothing to do until Friday, and would be delighted to come, in case it really was a Woozle.
"You mean, in case it really is two Woozles," said Winnie-the-Pooh, and Piglet said that anyhow he had nothing to do until Friday.
So off they went together.
There was a small spinney of larch trees just here,
and it seemed as if the two Woozles, if that is what they were, had been going round this spinney;
so round this spinney went Pooh and Piglet after them,
Piglet passing the time by telling Pooh what his Grandfather Trespassers W had done to Remove Stiffness after Tracking, and how his Grandfather Trespassers W had suffered in his later years from Shortness of Breath, and other matters of interest,
ピグレットは、おじいちゃんの Trespassers W が追跡の後のコリを取るのに何をしたかとか、おじいちゃんの Trespassers W が晩年、喘息で苦しんだとか、その他おもしろいことを話して、時を過ごしました。
and Pooh wondering what a Grandfather was like, and if perhaps this was Two Grandfathers they were after now, and, if so, whether he would be allowed to take one home and keep it, and what Christofer Robin would say.
And still the tracks went on in front of them. . . .
Suddenly Winnie-the-Pooh stopped and poited excitedly in fron of him.
"What?" said Piglet, with a jump. And then, to show that he hadn't been frightened, he jumped up and down once or twice in an exercising sort of way.
注)be frightened : 怖がっている
注)in an exercising sort of way :体操をしているように(ピグレットの仕草がかわいいですね。)
"Tracks!" said Pooh. "A third animal has joined the other two!"
"Pooh!" cried Piglet. "Do you think it is another Woozle?"
"No," said Pooh, "because it makes different marks. It is either Two Woozles and one, as it might be, Wizzle or Two, as it might be, Wizzles and one, if so it is, Woozle. Let us continue to follow them."
注)join :加わる
注)either ... or ... : ~か~かのどちらか
注)as it might be, Wizzle : ひょっとしたらウィズルかもしれない
注)if so it is : もしそうであれば
注)continue to ~ :~し続ける
So they went on, feeling just a little anxious now, in case the three animals in front of them were of Hostile Intent.
And Piglet wished very much that his Grandfather T. W. were there, instead of elsewhere,
そしてピグレットは T. W. おじいちゃんが別のところではなくここにいてくれたらなあと思いました。
and Pooh thought how nice it would be if they met Christofer Robin suddenly but quite accidentally,
and only because he liked Christofer Robin so much.