Ch.6-3 「イーヨー、キミはそこで何してるの?」


"I didn't know you were playing," said Roo.

"I'm not," said Eeyore.

"Eeyore, what are you doing there?" said Rabbit.

"I'll give you three guesses, Rabbit. Digging holes in the ground? Wrong.Leaping from branch to branch of a young oak-tree? Wrong. Waiting for somebody to help me out of the river? Right. Give Rabbit time, and he'll always get the answer."

注)guess : 推測するもの、ヒント

"But, Eeyore," said Pooh in distress, "what can we—I mean, how shall we--do you think if we--"

"Yes," said Eeyore. "One of those would be just the thing. Thank you, Pooh."

"He's going round and round," said Roo, much impressed.

"And why not?" said Eeyore coldly.

注)I mean :つまり
注)much impressed :感動したように
注)why not? : したらいいじゃないか

"I can swim too," said Roo proudly.

"Not round and round," said Eeyore. "It's much more difficult. I didn't want to come swimming at all today,"

he went on, revolving slowly.

"But if, when in, I decide to practise a slight circular movement from right to left—or perhaps I should say," he added, as he got into another eddy, "from left to right, just as it happens to occur to me, it is nobody's business but my own."

There was a moment's silence while everybody thought.

"I've got a sort of idea," said Pooh at last, "but I don't suppose it's a very good one."

注)proudly :誇らしげに
注)I should say :おそらく
注)nobody's business :誰かがしたことでもない
注)I've got a sort of idea : I have a sort of idea. ( have got = have )

"I don't suppose it is either," said Eeyore.

"Go on, Pooh," said Rabbit. "Let's have it."

"Well, if we threw stones and things into the river on one side of Eeyore, the stones would make waves, and the waves would wash him to the other side."

"That's a very good idea," said Rabbit, and Pooh looked happy again.

注)either :~も(否定文の場合)
注)Let's have it :それをやってみよう
注)stones and things :石か何か
注)make waves :波ができる

"Very," said Eeyore. "When I want to be washed, Pooh, I'll let you know."

"Supposing we hit him by mistake?" said Piglet anxiously.

"Or supposing you missed him by mistake," said Eeyore. "Think of all the possibilities, Piglet, before you settle down to enjoy yourselves."

But Pooh had got the biggest stone he could carry, and was leaning over the bridge, holding it in his paws.

"I'm not throwing it, I'm dropping it, Eeyore," he explained. "And then I can't miss--I mean I can't hit you. Could you stop turning round for a moment, because it muddles me rather?"

注)Supposing we hit him by mistake? :もし間違って彼に当たったらどうしよう
注)anxiously :心配して
注)all the possibilities :全ての可能性
注)explain :説明する
注)I mean :つまり
注)muddle me :ボクを混乱させる

"No," said Eeyore. "I like turning round."

Rabbit began to feel that it was time he took command.

"Now, Pooh," he said, "when I say 'Now!' you can drop it. Eeyore, when I say 'Now!' Pooh will drop his stone."

"Thank you very much, Rabbit, but I expect I shall know."

"Are you ready, Pooh? Piglet, give Pooh a little more room. Get back a bit there, Roo. Are you ready?"

"No," said Eeyore. 「まだだ。」イーヨーは言いました。 "Now!" said Rabbit. 「今だ!」ラビットは言いました。

注)Are you ready? :準備はいいかい?
注)a little more room :もう少しの空間





