Piglet stepped back nervously, and looked round for help.
"Here's Rabbit," he said gladly. "Hallo, Rabbit."
Rabbit came up importantly, nodded to Piglet, and said, "Ah, Eeyore," in the voice of one who would be saying "Good-bye" in about two more minutes.
注)importantly :もったいぶって
注)in about two more minutes :あと2分後には
"There's just one thing I wanted to ask you, Eeyore. What happens to Christopher Robin in the mornings nowadays?"
"What's this that I'm looking at?" said Eeyore, still looking at it.
"Three sticks," said Rabbit promptly.
"You see?" said Eeyore to Piglet. He turned to Rabbit. "I will now answer your question," he said solemnly.
"Thank you," said Rabbit.
注)nowadays :最近、近頃
注)promptly :即座に
注)You see? :ほらね?
注)solemnly :重々しく
"What does Christopher Robin do in the mornings? He learns. He becomes Educated. He instigorates--I think that is the word he mentioned, but I may be referring to something else--he instigorates Knowledge. In my small way I also, if I have the word right, am--am doing what he does. That, for instance, is --"
「クリストファー・ロビンは午前中何をしてるか?彼は学んでる。彼は教育を受けている。彼は instigorate している。たぶん彼はこう言ったと思うけど、他の言葉のことを言っているのかも知れないけど、彼は 知識を instigorate してるんだ。ボクなりのちょっとしたやり方で、ボクも、その言葉通りに言えば、彼と同じことをしている。例えばそれが・・・」
注)instigorates : instigate(開始する、扇動する)のこと
"An A," said Rabbit, "but not a very good one. Well, I must get back and tell the others."
Eeyore looked at his sticks and then he looked at Piglet.
"What did Rabbit say it was?" he asked.
"An A," said Piglet.
"Did you tell him?" 「キミが彼に教えたの?」
"No, Eeyore, I didn't. I expect he just knew."
"He knew? You mean this A thing is a thing Rabbit knew?"
"Yes, Eeyore. He's clever, Rabbit is."
注)clever :頭がいい、賢い
"Clever!" said Eeyore scornfully, putting a foot heavily on his three sticks.'' "Education!" said Eeyore bitterly'', jumping on his six sticks. "What is Learning?" asked Eeyore as he kicked his twelve sticks into the air. "A thing Rabbit knows! Ha!"
"I think--" began Piglet nervously.
"Don't," said Eeyore. 「言わなくていい、」イーヨーは言いました。
注)scornfully :小ばかにしたように
注)bitterly :苦々しく
注)nervously :心配して
"I think Violets are rather nice," said Piglet. And he laid his bunch in front of Eeyore and scampered off.
Next morning the notice on Christopher Robins door said:
出かける(GONE OUT)
すぐに戻る(BACK SOON)
クリストファー・ロビン(C. R.)
Which is why all the animals in the Forest- except, of course, the Spotted and Herbaceous Backson-now know what Christopher Robin does in the mornings.
注)scamper off :あわてて去って行く