Ch.3-3 「きみがボクの上に落ちてきたんだ。」


"You fell on me," said Piglet, feeling himself all over.

"I didn't mean to," said Pooh sorrowfully.

注)feeling himself all over :体中をさわりながら
注)I didn't mean to : そんなつもりじゃなかった
注)sorrowfully : 気の毒そうに

"I didn't mean to be underneath," said Piglet sadly. "But I'm all right now, Pooh, and I am so glad it was you."

"What's happened?" said Pooh. "Where are we?"

"I think we're in a sort of Pit. I was walking along, looking for somebody, and then suddenly I wasn't any more, and just when I got up to see where I was, something fell on me. And it was you."

注)pit : 穴

"So it was," said Pooh.

"Yes," said Piglet. "Pooh," he went on nervously, and came a little closer, "do you think we're in a Trap?"

注)so it was : (前の文の念をおして)そうだった
注)nervously : 心配そうに
注)trap : 罠

Pooh hadn't thought about it at all, but now he nodded.

For suddenly he remembered how he and Piglet had once made a Pooh Trap for Heffalumps,

and he guessed what had happened.

and he guessed what had happened.

He and Piglet had fallen into a Heffalump Trap for Poohs!

That was what it was.


"What happens when the Heffalump comes?" asked Piglet tremblingly, when he had heard the news.

"Perhaps he won't notice you, Piglet," said Pooh encouragingly, "because you're a Very Small Animal."

"But he'll notice you, Pooh."

"He'll notice me, and I shall notice him," said Pooh, thinking it out. "We'll notice each other for a long time, and then he'll say: 'Ho-ho!'"

注)tremblingly :震えるように
注)encouragingly :励ますように
注)each other :お互い

Piglet shivered a little at the thought of that “Ho-ho!”

and his ears began to twitch.

"W-what will you say?" he asked.

Pooh tried to think of something he would say, but the more he thought, the more he felt that there is no real answer to “Ho-ho!” said by a Heffalump in the sort of voice this Heffalump was going to say it in.

"I shan't say anything," said Pooh at last. "I shall just hum to myself, as if I was waiting for something."

"Then perhaps he'll say 'Ho-ho!' again?" suggested Piglet anxiously.

注)at last :とうとう、ついに
注)as if : まるで~かのように
注)suggest : 提案する

"He will," said Pooh.

Piglet's ears twitched so quickly that he had to lean them against the side of the Trap to keep them quiet.

"He will say it again," said Pooh, "and I shall go on humming. And that will Upset him. Because when you say 'Ho-ho!' twice, in a gloating sort of way, and the other person only hums, you suddenly find, just as you begin to say it the third time that --that--well, you find----"

注)upset : うろたえさせる
注)gloating : 得意げに


"That it isn't," said Pooh.

"Isn't what?"

Pooh knew what he meant, but, being a Bear of Very Little Brain, couldn't think of the words.

"Well, it just isn't," he said again.

"You mean it isn't ho-ho-ish any more?" said Piglet hopefully. 「

Pooh looked at him admiringly

and said that that was what he meant-

if you went on humming all the time, because you couldn't go on saying “Ho-ho!” for ever.





