When he awoke in the morning, the first thing he saw was Tigger, sitting in front of the glass and looking at himself.
"Hallo!" said Pooh.
"Hallo!" said Tigger. "I've found somebody just like me. I thought I was the only one of them."
注)somebody just like me : 誰かボクにそっくりな誰か
Pooh got out of bed, and began to explain what a looking-glass was,
but just as he was getting to the interesting part, Tigger said:
"Excuse me a moment, but there's something climbing up your table," and with one loud Worraworraworraworraworra he jumped at the end of the tablecloth, pulled it to the ground, wrapped himself up in it three times, rolled to the other end of the room, and, after a terrible struggle, got his head into the daylight again, and said cheerfully: "Have I won?"
注)Excuse me a moment : ちょっと失礼
注)wrapped himself up : 自分をグルグルと包みこむ
注)after a terrible struggle : 格闘の末
"That's my tablecloth," said Pooh, as he began to unwind Tigger.
"I wondered what it was," said Tigger.
"It goes on the table and you put things on it."
"Then why did it try to bite me when I wasn't looking?"
注)bite : 噛む テーブル・クロスの端がティガーに触れたのでしょう
"I don't think it did," said Pooh.
"It tried," said Tigger, "but I was too quick for it."
注)was too quick for : それに対して素早く備えた
Pooh put the cloth back on the table, and he put a large honey-pot on the cloth,
and they sat down to breakfast.
And as soon as they sat down, Tigger took a large mouthful of honey... and he looked up at the ceiling with his head on one side, and made exploring noises with his tongue, and considering noises, and what-have-we-got-here noises... and then he said in a very decided voice:
"Tiggers don't like honey."
"Oh!" said Pooh, and tried to make it sound Sad and Regretful. "I thought they liked everything."
“Everything except honey,” said Tigger.
Pooh felt rather pleased about this,
and said that, as soon as he had finished his own breakfast, he would take Tigger round to Piglet's house, and Tigger could try some of Piglet's haycorns.
“Thank you, Pooh,” said Tigger, “because haycorns is really what Tiggers like best.”
注)make it sound Sad and Regretful : 悲しく、残念そうに思わせる
注)except : ~を除いて、~以外
注)haycorns : プーさんは、acorns (どんぐり)のことを、haycorns と言っています
So after breakfast they went round to see Piglet,
and Pooh explained as they went that Piglet was a Very Small Animal who didn't like bouncing, and asked Tigger not to be too Bouncy just at first.
And Tigger, who had been hiding behind trees and jumping out on Pooh's shadow when it wasn't looking, said that Tiggers were only bouncy before breakfast, and that as soon as they had had a few haycorns they became Quiet and Refined.
So by-and-by they knocked at the door of Piglet's house.
“Hallo, Pooh,” said Piglet.
“Hallo, Piglet. This is Tigger.”
“Oh, is it?” said Piglet, and he edged round to the other side of the table. “I thought Tiggers were smaller than that.”
注)edged round to : のほうにじりじりと廻った
“Not the big ones,” said Tigger.
“They like haycorns,” said Pooh, “so that’s what we’ve come for, because poor Tigger hasn’t had any breakfast yet.”