Piglet pushed the bowl of haycorns towards Tigger, and said, “Help yourself,” and then he got close up to Pooh and felt much braver, and said, “So you're Tigger? Well, well!” in a careless sort of voice.
But Tigger said nothing because his mouth was full of haycorns...
After a long munching noise he said:
“Ee-ers o i a-ors.”
「エェ オイアオ」
And when Pooh and Piglet said “What?” he said “Skoos ee,” and went outside for a moment.
そしてプーとピグレットが「どうしたの?」と言うと、彼は「スクーズ イー」と言ってすぐに外に飛び出しました。
When he came back he said firmly:
“Tiggers don’t like haycorns.”
“But you said they liked everything except honey,” said Pooh.
“Everything except honey and haycorns,” explained Tigger.
When he heard this Pooh said, “Oh, I see!” and Piglet, who was rather glad that Tiggers didn’t like haycorns, said, “What about thistles?”
“Thistles,” said Tigger, “is what Tiggers like best.”
“Then let’s go along and see Eeyore,” said Piglet.
注)haycorns : acorns(どんぐり)のこと。(造語?)
注)except :~以外、~を除いて
注)explain :説明する
注)I see :わかった
注)thistles :アザミ
So the three of them went;
and after they had walked and walked and walked, they came to the part of the Forest where Eeyore was.
“Hallo, Eeyore!” said Pooh. “This is Tigger.”
“What is?” said Eeyore.
“This,” explained Pooh and Piglet together, and Tigger smiled his happiest smile and said nothing.
Eeyore walked all round Tigger one way, and then turned and walked all round him the other way.
“What did you say it was?” he asked.
注)smile his happiest smile :この上なく嬉しそうに微笑む
注)What did you say it was? :誰だって言った?
“Ah!” said Eeyore.
“He’s just come,” explained Piglet.
“Ah!” said Eeyore again.
He thought for a long time and then said:
“When is he going?”
注)explain :説明する
Pooh explained to Eeyore that Tigger was a great friend of Christopher Robin's, who had come to stay in the Forest,
and Piglet explained to Tigger that he mustn't mind what Eeyore said because he was always gloomy;
and Eeyore explained to Piglet that, on the contrary, he was feeling particularly cheerful this morning;
and Tigger explained to anybody who was listening that he hadn't had any breakfast yet.
“I knew there was something,” said Pooh. “Tiggers always eat thistles, so that was why we came to see you, Eeyore.”
“Don’t mention it, Pooh.”
“Oh, Eeyore, I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to see you -”
“Quite-quite. But your new stripy friend-naturally, he wants his breakfast.What did you say his name was?”
“Then come this way, Tigger.”
注)that was why : そういう訳で
注)Don’t mention it : どういたしまして
注)stripy : 縞模様の
注)What did you say his name was? :名前は何て言ったっけ?
注)come this way :こっちに来る