Ch.1-5 つまり、その家は確かにここにあったの?


Christopher Robin didn't stop to wonder.

He was already back in his house, putting on his waterproof hat, his waterproof boots and his waterproof macintosh as fast as he could.

"We'll go and look for it at once," he called out to Eeyore.

"Sometimes," said Eeyore, "when people have quite finished taking a person's house, there are one or two bits which they don't want and are rather glad for the person to take back, if you know what I mean. So I thought if we just went "

注)at once :すぐに
注)finish ~ing : ~し終わる

"Come on," said Christopher Robin, and off they hurried, and in a very little time they got to the corner of the field by the side of the pine-wood, where Eeyore's house wasn't any longer.

"There!" said Eeyore. "Not a stick of it left! Of course, I've still got all this snow to do what I like with. One mustn't complain."

But Christofer Robin wasn't listening to Eeyore,

he was listening to something else.

"Can't you hear it?" he asked.

"What is it? Somebody laughing?"


They both listened . . .

注)in a very little time :すぐに
注)not any longer :もはや~ない
注)There! :ほら!
注)mustn't complain :文句を言ってはいけない

and they heard a deep gruff voice saying in a singing voice that the more it snowed the more it went on snowing, and a small high voice tiddely-pomming in between.

"It's Pooh," said Christopher Robin excitedly.... "Possibly," said Eeyore.

"And Piglet!" said Christopher Robin excitedly.

"Probably," said Eeyore. "What we want is a Trained Bloodhound."

注)excitedly :興奮して
注)possively :おそらく
注)Trained Bloodhound : (追跡するために)訓練された犬

The words of the song changed suddenly.

"We've finished our HOUSE!" sang the gruff voice.

"Tiddely pom!" sang the squeaky one.

"It's a beautiful HOUSE . . ."

"Tiddely pom . . ."

"I wish it were MINE . . ,"

"Tiddely pom . . ."

"Pooh!" shouted Christopher Robin. . . .

The singers on the gate stopped suddenly.

注)gruff voice :どら声
注)squeaky one :かん高い声(one は voice )
注)I wish :~だったらなあ

"It's Christopher Robin!" said Pooh eagerly.

"He's round by the place where we got all those sticks from," said Piglet.

"Come on," said Pooh.

They climbed down their gate and hurried round the corner of the wood,

Pooh making welcoming noises all the way.

"Why, here is Eeyore," said Pooh, when he had finished hugging Christopher Robin, and he nudged Piglet, and Piglet nudged him, and they thought to themselves what a lovely surprise they had got ready.

注)eagerly :はやる思いで
注)round by the place where we got all those sticks from :ボクらが木切れを持って来たところあたりに
注)nudge :つつく

"Hallo, Eeyore."

"Same to you, Pooh Bear, and twice on Thursdays," said Eeyore gloomily.

Before Pooh could say: "Why Thursdays?" Christopher Robin began to explain the sad story of Eeyore's Lost House. And Pooh and Piglet listened, and their eyes seemed to get bigger and bigger.

"Where did you say it was?" asked Pooh.

"Just here," said Eeyore.

"Made of sticks?"


"Oh!" said Piglet.

"What?" said Eeyore.

注)gloomily :憂うつそうに
注)explain :説明する

"I just said 'Oh!'" said Piglet nervously. And so as to seem quite at ease he hummed Tiddely-pom once or twice in a what-shall-we-do-now kind of way.

"You're sure it was a house?" said Pooh. "I mean, you're sure the house was just here?"

"Of course I am," said Eeyore. And he murmured to himself, "No brain at all, some of them."

注)nervously :心配そうに
注)so as to seem quite at ease :とても落ち着いているようにみせるために
注)I mean :つまり
注)murmur :つぶやく





