Ch.4-3 「カンガとルーとティガーに会いに行こう。」


"Supposing; it doesn't?" said Pooh.

"It will, because Christopher Robin says it will, so that's why I'm planting it."

"Well," said Pooh, "if I plant a honeycomb outside my house, then it will grow up into a beehive."

注)Supposing : もし~だとしたら
注)that's why ~ : そういう理由で
注)honeycomb : ハチミツのある巣
注)beehive : ハチの巣

Piglet wasn't quite sure about this.

"Or a piece of a honeycomb," said Pooh, "so as not to waste too much. Only then I might only get a piece of a beehive, and it might be the wrong piece, where the bees were buzzing and not hunnying. Bother."
「あるいは、無駄にならないように、1つだけハチの巣を植えたら、1つだけハチの巣ができて、それが悪いハチの巣で、ミツバチがブンブン言って、ハチミツが取れなかったら、ちぇっ。」 ピグレットもかなりイヤだなと思いました。

"Besides, Pooh, it's a very difficult thing, planting unless you know how to do it," he said; and he put the acorn in the hole he had made, and covered it up with earth, and jumped on it.

注)so as not to waste too much :無駄にならないように
注)besides :そのうえ
注)unless you know : もし知らなければ
注)earth :土

"I do know," said Pooh, "because Christopher Robin gave me a mastershalum seed, and I planted it, and I'm going to have mastershalums all over the front door."

"I thought they were called nasturtiums," said Piglet timidly, as he went on jumping.

注)nasturtiums : キンレンカ(花の名前)
注)nasturtiums :ナスターチウム(植物の名前)
注)timidly :恐る恐る

"No," said Pooh. "Not these. These are called mastershalums."

When Piglet had finished jumping, he wiped his paws on his front, and said,

"What shall we do now?"

and Pooh said,

"Let's go and see Kanga and Roo and Tigger,"

and Piglet said,

"Y-yes. L-let's"

because he was still a little anxious about Tigger,

who was a Very Bouncy Animal, with a way of saying How-do-you-do, which always left your ears full of sand, even after Kanga had said, “Gently, Tigger dear,” and had helped you up again.

So they set off for Kanga's house.

Now it happened that Kanga had felt rather motherly that morning, and Wanting to Count Things-

like Roo's vests, and how many pieces of soap there were left, and the two clean spots in Tigger's feeder;

so she had sent them out with a packet of watercress sandwiches for Roo and a packet of extract-of-malt sandwiches for Tigger, to have a nice long morning in the Forest not getting into mischief.

And off they had gone.

And as they went, Tigger told Roo (who wanted to know) all about the things that Tiggers could do.


"Can they fly?" asked Roo.

"Yes," said Tigger, "they're very good flyers, Tiggers are. Strornry good flyers."

"Oo!" said Roo. "Can they fly as well as Owl?"

"Yes," said Tigger. "Only they don't want to."

"Why don't they want to?"

“Well, they just don't like it, somehow."

Roo couldn't understand this,

because he thought it would be lovely to be able to fly,
飛べるってことはすばらしいだろうと思っていたからです。 で

but Tigger said it was difficult to explain to anybody who wasn't a Tigger himself.

注)Strornry : Strongly のこと?
注)somehow :何となく、いくぶん

"Well," said Roo, "can they jump as far as Kangas?"

"Yes," said Tigger. "When they want to."

"I love jumping," said Roo. "Let's see who can jump farthest, you or me."

"I can," said Tigger. "But we mustn't stop now, or we shall be late."

"Late for what?"

"For whatever we want to be in time for," said Tigger, hurrying on.





