"I expect he's just gone home," said Christopher Robin to Rabbit.
"Did he say Good-bye-and-thank-you-for-a-nice-time?" said Rabbit.
"He'd only just said how-do-you-do," said Christopher Robin.
注)expect : 期待して思う
注)How do you do? には Nice to meet you. の意味もある
"Ha!" said Rabbit. After thinking a little, he went on: "Has he written a letter saying how much he enjoyed himself, and how sorry he was he had to go so suddenly?"
Christopher Robin didn't think he had.
"Ha!" said Rabbit again, and looked very important. "This is Serious. He is Lost. We must begin the Search at once."
注)looked very important :真面目そうに
注)serious :真剣な
注)the Search :捜索
注)at once :すぐに
Christopher Robin, who was thinking of something else, said: “Where's Pooh?”
but Rabbit had gone.
So he went into his house and drew a picture of Pooh going a long walk at about seven o'clock in the morning, and then he climbed to the top of his tree and climbed down again, and then he wondered what Pooh was doing, and went across the Forest to see.
It was not long before he came to the Gravel Pit, and he looked down, and there were Pooh and Piglet, with their backs to him, dreaming happily.
“Ho-ho!” said Christopher Robin loudly and suddenly.
Piglet jumped six inches in the air with Surprise and Anxiety, but Pooh went on dreaming.
"It's the Heffalump!" thought Piglet nervously.
“Now, then!” He hummed in his throat a little,
so that none of the words should stick, and then, in one most delightfully easy way, he said:
“Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,”
as if he had just thought of it.
But he didn't look round,
because if you look round and see a Very Fierce Heffalump looking down at you, sometimes you forget what you were going to say.
注)nervously :びくびくして
said Christopher Robin in a voice like Pooh's.
Because Pooh had once invented a song which went:
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, Rum-tum-tum-tiddle-um.
『トゥララ、トゥララ トゥララ、トゥララ ランータムータムーティドゥーラム』
So whenever Christopher Robin sings it, he always sings it in a Pooh-voice, which seems to suit it better.
だからクリストファー・ロビンが歌うときはいつでも、プーの声で歌うのです。 そしてそれが一層ぴったりくるのです。
“He's said the wrong thing,” thought Piglet anxiously.
“He ought to have said, 'Ho-ho!' again. Perhaps I had better say it for him.”
「彼はもう一度『ホーホー』って言うはずだったけど。 たぶんボクが言ったほうがいいのかな。」
And, as fiercely as he could, Piglet said:
“How did you get there, Piglet?” said Christopher Robin in his ordinary voice.
“This is Terrible,” thought Piglet. “First he talks in Pooh's voice, and then he talks in Christopher Robin's voice, and he's doing it so as to Unsettle me.
And being now Completely Unsettled, he said very quickly and squeakily:
“This is a trap for Poohs, and I'm waiting to fall in it, ho-ho, what's all this, and then I say ho-ho again.”
"What?" said Christopher Robin.
"A trap for ho-ho's," said Piglet huskily. "I've just made it, and I'm waiting for the ho-ho to come-come."
注)huskily :しゃがれ声で