He crawled out of the gorse-bush, brushed the prickles from his nose, and began to think again.
And the first person he thought of was Christofer Robin.
("was that me?" said Christofer Robin in an awed voice, hardly daring to believe it.
"That was you."
Christofer Robin said nothing, but his eyes got larger and larger, and his face got pinker and pinker.)
So Winnie-the-Pooh went round to his friend Christofer Robin,
who lived behind a green door in another part of the forest.
"Good morning, Christofer Robin," he said.
"Good morning, Winnie-ther-Pooh," said you.
"I wonder if you've got such a thing as a balloon about you."
注)I wonder : ~かしら
注)you've got : have got で「持っている( have )」の意味
注)such a thing as a balloon : 風船のようなもの
注)about you : 自分の身のまわりに
"A balloon?"
"Yes, I just said to myself coming along: 'I wonder if Christofer Robin has such a thing as a balloon about him?' I just said it to myself, thinking of balloons, and wondering."
"What do you want a balloon for?" you said.
注)say to myself : 自分自身に言う、すなわち、(心の中で)思う
注)coming along : ここに来ながら
注)thinking of balloons : 風船のことを思いついて
注)wondering : どうかなと思いながら
注)What ... for : 何のために、どうして
Winnie-the-Pooh looked around to see that nobody was listening, put his paw to his mouth, and said in a deep whisper:
"But you don't get honey with a balloon!"
"I do," said Pooh.
注)この with のことを、『道具の with 』といいます
Well, it just happened that you had been to a party the day before at the house of your friend Piglet, and you had balloons at the party.
You had had a big green balloon; and one of Rabbit's relations had had a big blue one, and had left it behind, being really too young to go to a party at all; and so you had brought the green one and the blue one home with you.
"Which one would you like?" you asked Pooh.
He put his head between his paws and thought very carefully.
"It's like this," he said. "When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is not to let the bees know you're coming.
Now, if you have a green balloon, they might think you were only part of the tree, and not notice you, and if you have a blue balloon, they might think you were only part of the sky, and not notice you, and the question is: Which is most likely?"
注)like this :このような
注)go after :~を追いかける
注)The great thing is not to ~:大事なのは~しないことだ
注)might : ひょっとしたら~かもしれない
注)part of :~の一部
注)not notice :気づかない
注)most likely :最も可能性が高い
"Wouldn't they notice you underneath the balloon?" you asked.
"They might or they might not," said Winnie-the-Pooh. "You never can tell with bees."
He thought for a moment and said:
"I shall try to look like a small black cloud. That will deceive them."
注)you underneath the balloon :風船の下にいる君
注)You never can tell with ~ : ~に関してあれこれ言うことはできない(プーさんの口ぐせ)
注)I shall : ぜひ、~しよう(強い意思)We shall overcome. (絶対に打ち勝つぞ。)
注)look like :~のように見える
注)deceive :だます
"Then you had better have the blue balloon," you said; and so it was decided.
Well, you both went out with the blue balloon, and you took your gun with you, just in case, as you always did,
注)had better :(強い勧め)~したほうがいい
注)So it was decided :それで決まり